Nuestros servicios

Reliable Industrial Solutions
We deliver sustainable solutions and services to various industries within the USA. Our partners and clients value us for the quality of our products.
Let Us Help You Invest
in Sustainable Infrastructure
Our company provides world-class fabrication and construction services to industrial clients across the United States in order to invest and create reliable infrastructure.
A Wide Range of Industrial Products
Since 1956, our highly skilled professionals have helped customers throughout a wide range of industries, from large vessel maintenance to petro-chemical storage.


Realizamos las comprobaciones intermedias de las siguientes magnitudes de los equipos de los CDA´s (Centros de Diagnóstico Automotor).


Frenómetro de motos, livianos, mixto y pesados

Frenómetro de motos, mixto y pesados, analizador de suspensión.

Medidor de desviación lateral, probador de taxímetro.

Probador de taxímetro.


Analizadores de gases en HC, CO, CO2 y O2.

Termómetros digitales.

Captadores de revoluciones por minuto por pinza inductiva, vibración y batería.

Alineadores de luces automotrices en la inclinación del haz de luz.

Alineadores de luces automotrices en la iluminancia del haz de luz.

Nuestros clientes hablan

sobre nuestros servicios

Fabricator is a company that we can rely on. We often have to react to customer needs quickly and we know that Fabricator will take care of us even at a moment’s notice.

Hu Wei President of China Metal Corporation Fabricator’s partner

Fabricator is a partner we can trust. People do business with people they know and trust. That’s why we partner with this industrial company on everything.

Wayne Johnson Manager of Caterpillar Corporation Fabricator’s partner

I have worked with many companies offering supplemental industrial services, and out of all those companies there was one who really stood out from the rest. It’s Fabricator.

Ashley Richardson Sales manager of InterInverse Corporation Fabricator’s client